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About Us

Mission: Educate, Entertain, Uplift & Advocate for The Mechanic Profession.


 Yes, the mission at BKM Magazine is simple.

Educate: through our website, Blog and Youtube channel on the basics through advanced mechanical practices with the input of our readers.

Entertain: by posting from Car, Truck, Motor Cycle and product trade shows from across the country.

Uplift & Advocate: This will happen on every platform we have. Like you we are proud of the mechanic profession. To be a Busted Knuckle Mechanic is to be highly skilled in the diagnostics, fabrication and repair of any mechanical product. Buses, Trucks, Cars, Motor Cycle, Train's, Elevator, Escalator, Boiler, Construction equipment Etc.

 It does not matter to us what you work on? If it is broke and you use tools and diagnostics to fix it. You are a Busted Knuckle Mechanic.

So Wrench on Legend...

Join us, follow, share and purchase some merch, support us so we can advocate for the mechanic profession.








Director of Marketing




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